

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Who are Hackers ?

 Who are hackers? Hackers are very intelligent individuals with their excellent computer skills, with programming and having with the ability to create and explore into the computer’s software and hardware. Some of the hackers have the hobby to collect the information like how many computers are in the network and how they can compromise. Some of the hackers do hacking with malicious intend behind their escapades, like stealing credit card information, email passwords, social security numbers, business
data, etc. So there are many types of hackers with their different intentions, but we basically classify hackers into four types.
1.       Black Hats
2.       White hats
3.       Suicide hackers
4.       Gray Hats

1.       Black Hats
The Black Hats types of hackers are individuals with their extraordinary computing skills, they have the ability to restore malicious or destructive activities. Most of the black hats work offensively. They are also known as Crackers.

2.       White Hats
He hackers who are professional and uses their computing skills in defensive purpose for an organization or individually, they are known as white Hats. They are also known as security analysts.

3.       Suicide Hackers
Suicide hackers are individuals, who have the specific aim or target for revenge to bring down critical infrastructure for a “cause”. They are not worried about facing 30 years in jail for their actions. 

4.       Gray Hats
Grey hats are the hackers who works for both as an offensively and defensively at various times.   

Some Important terms that must know by everyone in this era.
·         Exploit - A defend way to breach the security of an IT system through vulnerability.
·         Vulnerabilities - An existence of a weakness, design or implementation in the system through a hacker can breach the computer security that can be say vulnerability. This can be lead to an unexpected and undesirable event which is compromising to the security of the system.
·         Threat - An action or event that might compromise the computer system security is called threat. A threat is potential violation of security

·         Daisy chaining - a hacker who cover their tracks like destroying logs, etc. after completing their tasks.

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